2 min read
Well ... That's A Deep Subject
Growing up, my older brothers never missed an opportunity to chime in with the comment, "that's a deep subject," whenever I ha
3 min read
The Place Beyond Fear and Hope
For many, life these days is a roller coaster ride between hope and fear, oscillating wildly between what’s possible and what is. Once liber
2 min read
Every Day is a Piece of Improv!
Consider for a moment that every day of our lives is a piece of improv on the stage of life. By intentionally developing our ability to impr
2 min read
What's On Your Mind?
While there is a plethora of ready reading on the subject and many, many opportunities to attend workshops/seminars/retreats to practice min
3 min read
Try Mindfulness Meditation to Improve Your Brain (and Life)
Just as doing curls increases muscle density in your biceps, practicing mindfulness builds brain matter where it counts.