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Learn How to Make "Shift Happen"

Join Gifted Leaders founder, Jeff Thoren, and fellow Enlightened Rebel Alliance and VetPartners colleagues for one or both of two "Next Stage" learning experiences next month.

Saturday, January 12

Shift Happens: Next-Stage Practice Leadership 90-minute session facilitated by Bill Kearley, DVM, Elise Lacher, CPA, Greg O'Brien, MBA, Robert Trimble, DVM and Jeff Thoren, DVM, PCC, BCC

Saturday, January 19

VMX in Orlando

Shift Happens: Next-Stage Veterinary Business Model Half-day workshop facilitated by Bill Kearley, DVM, Elise Lacher, CPA, Robert Trimble, DVM and Jeff Thoren, DVM, PCC, BCC

Both programs are based on the realization that, as a profession, we are at an important crossroads. Faced with rapid change, increased competition, economic challenges, increasing personal debt, and burnout, we need to consider new ways to preserve our practices and our people.

The future is becoming increasingly difficult to predict and change is needed for businesses of all kinds to remain relevant and effective in our rapidly changing and connected world. Unfortunately, most veterinary practices still rely on a way of working designed over 100 years ago for the challenges and opportunities of the industrial age. It’s time to call into question some of the long accepted workplace best practices that no longer serve us.

We must shift …

  1. From an Operating System of Predict and Plan to One of Experiment and Adapt

  2. From a Hierarchical Pyramid Structure to a Network of Teams Structure

  3. From Directive Leadership and Centralized Authority to Collective Leadership and Distributed Authority

  4. From Dependence on Extrinsic Motivators to Unleashing Instrinsic Motivation

  5. From a Pure Focus on Profit to Purpose and Values

  6. From Secrecy to Radical Transparency

We all need to learn how to break the mold of “business as usual” and to create an inspired workplace by unleashing the power of an innovative and collective approach to leadership and veterinary practice management.

Join us to learn how you can begin to make "Shift Happen" for your team or business!


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