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Fresh Air

It occurred to me while shopping for ceiling fans that air flow is only one of the elements to be considered in this selection process. The size and shape of the fan body and blades requires some compatibility with room size and function. The overall design aesthetic of the fan can complement or compete with other fixed or moveable features in the space. And the somewhat intangible aspect of what the image represents to the buyer can be another selection criterion ...

- Do I imagine that the fan will take me to ancient times where someone fanned me and fed me grapes?

- Does it conjure up the image of air movement associated with the famous Marilyn Monroe photo of wind beneath her sails?

Design is never about just one thing. In your home, your office, or your organization at large, many things need to be considered when attempting to design the most useful, relevant, comfortable and pleasing environment.

It seems like the design of our organizations became stale. We often attempted to move forward while carrying heavy and burdensome practices from the past. Hierarchical structures can no longer support the imperative of all staff involvement in decision-making and execution of strategy. Isolated functional or geographic separation of tools and talent is ineffective.

Think about how you might begin or continue to transition the design of your organization to a level that considers much more than the simple approach of “doing what we’ve always done”. Consider the size and shape of the work that you do and how to best distribute leadership. Look for ways to break any cycle of repetition or redundancy that no longer serves a purpose.

Going round and round makes sense for a ceiling fan. It doesn’t make sense in your organization. Resist the urge to maintain outdated approaches and adopt ones that will keep you and your team in fresh air.


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